Friday, October 3, 2014

I Have Nothing To Hide

The majority of internet users don't really have anything serious that they need to hide. This is why many people don't think it is a big deal that the government monitors our internet usage. I think that this a problem. Even if people truly have nothing to hide I don't think that they should just let the government take advantage of them. People shouldn't have to "think over" if they have things to hide while they are using the internet, they should just be able to go on with there tasks on the internet and not think twice about it. Never would it be acceptable for the government to walk into your house just to listen in on your dinner conversation. So why should it be acceptable for them to be able to look at the texts I send to my family? In conclusion, people have to stop shrugging off this issue and face it head on, even if they have nothing to hide.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your views on this topic. It is important to realize that online information privacy is just if not more important than physical privacy. The government's infraction of privacy at its base is the start of a negative trend for the rights of U.S. citizens. People need to make an early stand for their constitutional rights before it is too late.
